Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Family time

What a great weekend I just had!!! First of all, for those of you who have not heard yet, I'm an aunt! Landon Matthew Hahn was born on Thursday afternoon at 4:27 pm. Steven and I had plans to go to Indiana over the weekend so we made a side trip to Fort Bellvoir, Virginia to see Matt and Alicia at the hospital. They were super excited and Steven and I were so glad we could meet our nephew (especially before any other family members)! He is a cute little boy and the mother is doing fine. I can't wait to spoil him like any good aunt would do.:)

After we got to Ft. Bellvoir we stopped in the hospital around 8:30, stayed for 2 hours, then went back to the hotel room because we left at 5:00 the next morning. So even though it was a short trip it was well worth it!

When we were in Wakarusa we were able to celebrate my grandfather's 90th birthday! I'm so glad I was able to be there and celebrate with him. This was also the last time Steven would see my family before he deploys in November. So there were a lot of reasons to go up north and I'm very happy that we were able to do it.

ZuZu dancing at my grandpa's birthday party

It was nice just to spend some time with my family. I won't be going back for Thanksgiving so I won't see them again until Christmas. At that time I'll be able to spend more time with my nephew, actually get to visit with Matt and Alicia, and spend good quality time with my family. It seems that I don't realize how much I miss my family until I visit them again. So I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing but I'm glad I can spend time with them. I guess when you are away from them you realize how much they mean to you. I think that if I lived in Indiana I wouldn't appreciate them as much and all they do for me so I'm happy I can see what a blessing they really are!


Jess said...

How fun and exciting!!! And you got to meet Landon! We get to see him tomorrow and are so excited!!! I am glad you had such a great time with your family! Love ya!

jenn said...

so glad you got to see landon!!! he is a cutie and you are a natural at being an aunt :). spoiling is the fun part :). wish i could have seen steven before he leaves, but i will be praying for him and you! love ya lots...m.e.

Alicia said...

It was awesome that you guys got to come up for Grandpa's 90th. Too bad the timing didn't work out better and we were here at that time too. But at least you got to see Landon for a little while. Can't wait to see you at Christmas. Love ya!