Thursday, June 26, 2008


So I'm back. Sooner than I thought but there's a reason for that. About a month ago I realized I had a kidney stone. Luckily I didn't find out the way most people do. I was having trouble with UTI's and had to continue going to the doctor to see what they could do about them. They couldn't tell me what was causing them so they decided to take an X-Ray to see if they could find anything. Well when I went in to see the results from the X-Ray the doctor showed me a kidney stone that was 80% bigger than most! Yes that's right. When I do something, I go all the way! So needless to say. That stone was not coming out on it's own. I scheduled a surgery for after school was out so I wouldn't have to miss any days. The doctor said the best way to get it out would be to"blast" it. Yes, he literally said "blast". Without getting too graphic, it basically means they stick a laser up into my kidney and shoot at the stone until it turns to dust and/or comes out on it's own. I know what you're thinking. It's like "Star Wars". Well, that's exactly what my husband said and he's not even a fan. I thought about asking if they could play the "Imperial Death March" during my surgery but I wouldn't have been able to hear it anyway.

So I had my "blasting" surgery on Monday. Surgery went fine. Anesthesia was kind of weird. That was the first time I was put under so I didn't really know what to expect. All I remember is being on the bed, going through double doors in the hospital, and then I woke up with someone asking me if I wanted something to drink. I went through the doors at about 11:00 and woke up around 2:15. So it didn't take too long. They did have to put a stent in me which basically makes the tube wider from my kidney to my bladder so it doesn't hurt when "blasted" pieces come out. After the surgery I was just a little tired and weak. For the past few days I actually have felt the same way. Unfortunately the results from the surgery hurt more than the actual ailment. But I know it's all for the best.

Pieces of my ginormous stone!:)

I've been getting a lot of reading done, watching some movies, starting a blog, and drinking more water than I would like.:) I wish I felt good enough to be up and around but hopefully after they take this stent out I'll feel better. That procedure happens tomorrow, thank goodness! I'm ready to be back to normal! You never realize how much you miss the simple things until they're taken away. Like going for a walk, or even cleaning! Sadly I would rather be able to clean than have to sit around all day. I know, I know, don't let my mother read that.:) So if anything good comes out of this it would be that I'm minus a kidney stone and God has revealed to me that I need to be thankful for the little things in life that make me happy.:)


Alicia said...

Ok. I know those pieces are really "big" but they definitely look tiny! :) Is Steven a good nurse? I hope he's cooking you delicious meals to get you on the road to recovery.

Kristina said...

Ok, so they're not really very big but they sure seem big when they're coming out!:) Steven is an okay nurse. He could use some practice. But I'm getting along alright.:)

Jess said...

wow, what a crazy time for you!!! I am so glad you made it through alright. Those things can be tough! But they do look a little small :):):)